For The Research Lovers…

Below is a list of resources sorted by topic. Each link opens a new tab.

 Urban Timber

Online Magazine: Sherrill, Sam. Urban Wood Booklet. Sawmilling and Salvaging Urban Wood. Published online, 2017.

Book: Sherrill, Sam. Harvesting Urban Timber : A Complete Guide, 2003.

Book: Morrison, Paul. Tree to Table : Emergence of the Urban Wood Movement. Oregon, 2016.

Research Article: Bratkovich, Steve, et al. Urban Tree Utilization and Why It Matters. Dovetail Partners, 2008.

Research Article: Nowak, David J., et al. “Annual Biomass Loss and Potential Value of Urban Tree Waste in the United States.” Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, vol. 46, Sept. 2019.


Missouri Trees and Forests

Online Book: Knotts, David, and Frances Main. Fifty Common Trees of Missouri. Missouri Department Of Conservation, 2005.


American Trees and Forests

Website: American Hardwood Export Council. “Interactive Forest Map | AHEC.” 2019. [Data from USDA Forest Service].


American Lumber Industry

Industry Report: Hardwood Market Report. US Hardwood Market Trends, 2018.

Industry Report: American Timber & Agriculture Investment Firm. Timberland Investment Commentary, April 2019

Company Report: West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. West Fraser Annual Report, 2019.

Article: Lang, Amanda. “Who’s Who in Lumber 2019 Update: Top 10 U.S. Lumber Producers.” Forisk Consulting.


Employment Changes In The Lumber Industry

Research Article: Luppold, William, and Matthew S Bumgardner. “Changes in Eastern US Sawmill Employment and Estimated Hardwood Lumber Production from 2001 to 2015.” Forest Products Society, March 2017.